Measure 114

Measure 114

Measure 114 is a dangerous and misguided attempt to undermine the rights of gun owners in Oregon. This measure would impose unfair and onerous restrictions on gun dealers, making it more difficult for them to do their jobs, and ultimately threatening public safety.


The main problem with Measure 114 is that it unfairly targets the gun industry. It places burdensome restrictions on gun dealers, such as requiring that they keep detailed records of transactions for all guns sold, regardless of the age or even legality of the buyer. This creates a huge burden for dealers, who already have to comply with complex federal laws and regulations regarding the sale and transfer of firearms.


This sort of blanket regulation is unfair and only serves to scare away legitimate business owners, threatening public safety by limiting access to guns for those who need them most.


Ultimately, Measure 114 is the wrong approach for gun rights in Oregon. We believe that the right to bear arms is essential for protecting the safety and security of our communities, and we cannot allow misguided measures like this one to undermine those rights. Instead, we must work together to support responsible gun ownership and promote common-sense regulations that keep our communities safe.

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